I just used the standard formula to determine the sample size of a sample to match the mean of a pupulation with an error margin of 3 percentage points and with a 90% probability. I know would like to check that the mean of my sample is actually within the 3% margin of error of the mean in the population. To do so I am taking the population and appending the sample, identifying observations in the sample with a dummy called sample. Then I run the following regresion: reg var1 sample And I am testing wheter the coefficient for the dummy variable sample is less than 3 percentage points. To do so I am using a one sided t test.
But this is only ok when the coefficient of the dummy variable "sample" has the "right" sign. I would like to test the joing hypoithesis that the coefficient of the dummy variable sample is greater than -3 and lower than 3. Does anyone have any insight on how to do this test? Thanks in advance.