Hi there I am running a k-means code in R with the same data and with the same number of clusters, in this case 3, but each time that I run the code, the cluster label changes, for example.
In the first run I got this results
Col A Cluster.K-means
FirstOBS Cluster1,
SecondOBS Cluster1,
ThirdOBS Cluster2,
FourthOBS Cluster3
then I run the code again, specifying the same number of clusters=3, and the output column changes the cluster number, for example
FirstOBS Cluster2,
SecondOBS Cluster2,
ThirdOBS Cluster3,
FourthOBS Cluster1
In this case the second run (with the same data, same code and same number of clusters) changed the (1 by 2), the (2 by 3) and the (3 by 1)
How can I fix the result? because in the next step I have to compare the cluster number between two different data, for instance the cluster results from January against March results.
This is the code
cv1.km3 <- kmeans(cv1.f, 3)
So each time I run the cv1.km3$size I got different combinations
Thank you