I believe that this question is sufficiently different from previous related ones to warrant a new post. (I apologize if it has been answered already)
I need to decide between various resampling methods to "best" (highest power and correct type-I error to reject H0 for the right reasons) evaluate auto correlation in binary sequences of small to moderate lengths (20-50) with relatively low incidence rate. The time series are too short to justify any normal approximations, so to e.g. to decide whether or not the observed auto correlation is "real", I would like to generate my empirical Null distribution under the assumption of no auto correlation. With that goal in mind I can either
- shuffle the sequence repeatedly (fixed number of 0s and 1s), or
- estimate the probability $\hat{p}$ of an event and repeatedly draw from the respective Bernoulli process.
The latter is -I think- known as the parametric bootstrap. I struggle with the correct choice for the following reasons:
(i) The estimate for the true Bernoulli probability will be rather poor/noisy for low smple sizes. That bias will be part of the generated empirical NULL. (ii) The permutation procedure 1 will generate test statistics with considerably less variation than procedure 2. In fact, the distribution will tend to generate few discrete levels.
What line of reasoning will defend either choice ?
Here is an example:
#observed acf:
aObs = acf(x,lag.max=1,plot=F)$acf[2]
for (i in 1:100){
I am adding more code as a reply to my motivation. Let us begin with computing the exact p-value of 0.01011 from a Fisher test:
Convictions <-
matrix(c(2, 8, 10, 3),
nrow = 2,
dimnames =
list(c("Dizygotic", "Monozygotic"),
c("Convicted", "Not convicted")))
fisher.test(Convictions, alternative = "less")
Instead, could we not simply simulate (and hence NOT condition on the margins)
N = rowSums(Convictions)
ConvictionsSim = Convictions
OR0=prod(diag(Convictions)) / prod(as.vector(Convictions)[c(2:3)])
OR = rep(NA,1000)
for (i in 1:1000){
ConvictionsSim[1,1] = rbinom(1,N[1],p=p)
ConvictionsSim[1,2] = N[1]-ConvictionsSim[1,1]
ConvictionsSim[2,1] = rbinom(1,N[2],p=p)
ConvictionsSim[2,2] = N[2]-ConvictionsSim[2,1]
OR[i] = prod(diag(ConvictionsSim)) / prod(as.vector(ConvictionsSim)[c(2:3)])
which gives me a very different p-value of 0.004. Which one is "correct"?