I am running a glmm with three fixed effects:
opponent 1 size ("1")
opponent 2 size ("2")
opponent 1 size - opponent 2 size ("diff")
I am unable to run all three variables in the model at once because of the "diff" variable being correlated with the "1" and "2" variables. How, then, do I decide which is the best model, when all the different combinations I can test are not nested within one another? Or can I consider the first two variables to be nested within the third one, since they are both used to calculate "diff"? I have these combinations of variables and their corresponding AICs (variable(s) followed by AIC in parentheses):
variable(s) (AIC):
diff (223)
1 (231)
2 (262)
1,2 (265)
1,diff (265)
2,diff (265)