An exercise states:
Using the law of iterated expectations applied to an AR(2) process, verify that $E_{t−k} . . . E_{t−1} (X_t ) = E(X_t |F_{t−k} ) $ for $ k = 1, 2, 3 $ where $ E_{t−k} (X_t ) = E(X_t |F_{t−k} ) .$
I dislike the way the question is posed and I think it can be reduced to proving:
$$E[X_t | F_{t-1}]=E[X_t | F_{t-2}]=E[X_t | F_{t-3}]$$
I proceeded in this way:
$$E[X_t|F_{t-1}] =E[ \phi_{1}X_{t-1} + \phi_{2}X_{t-2} + \epsilon_t | F_{t-1}] = \phi_{1}X_{t-1} + \phi_{2}X_{t-2} \tag{1}$$
by linearity of the expected value and because $E[ \epsilon_t] = 0 $ (white noise).
$$E[X_t|F_{t-2}] =E[ \phi_{1}X_{t-1} + \phi_{2}X_{t-2} + \epsilon_t | F_{t-2}] = E[\phi_{1}X_{t-1}|F_{t-2}] + \phi_{2}X_{t-2} = \phi_{1}^2X_{t-2} + \phi_{2}\phi_1X_{t-3} + \phi_{2}X_{t-2} $$
Now it seems that substituting the AR(2) again in $(1)$ we would get the required result (the equality between the two conditional expected values):
$$\phi_{1}X_{t-1} + \phi_{2}X_{t-2} = \phi_{1}^2X_{t-2} + \phi_{2}\phi_1X_{t-3} + \phi_{2}X_{t-2} + \epsilon_{t-1}$$
except for that pesky $\epsilon_{t-1}$ .
Where did I go wrong?