I'm running an A/B test that originally was exposed to 10% of my traffic (5% variant / 5% control); The test has performed well thus far, and I'm looking to expand the size of the traffic pool to 50% (25% variant / 25% control).
Users are assigned to the [variant] / [control] / [not in experiment] buckets via a cookie hash.
My question is - Would there be a bias issue with combining the data collected from when the audience size was 10% with the data that will be collected when the audience size is 50%? Is it better to simply reset the measurements going forward?
One concern I have is that users that saw the experiment at 10% are now mixed with users who haven't seen it at 50%. However, this effect should be evenly distributed across both the control and variant.
Would love to hear some insights on this matter. Thanks!