I am somewhat confused about this identifiability and estimability concept with application to binomial example in David Freedman's book (statistical models: theory and practice Page 125-P126).
let $g(x)$ be some estimator. Then,
This is a linear function in p. However, $\sqrt{p}$ is not a linear function of p. So, $E_p(g(x)) \ne \sqrt{p}$. And $\sqrt{p}$ is not estimable.
I still can not understand why $\sqrt{p}$ is not estimable. If I can get M.L.E (sample proportion) of $\hat{p}=sum(1(x=1))/N$. Can't I use $\sqrt{\hat{p}}$ as an estimator?
or because this $\sqrt{\hat{p}}$ is a biased (even though a consistent) estimator of $\sqrt{p}$?
Any help with clarification of this concept will be appreciated!