I think I understand the main ideas of hierarchical dirichlet processes, but I don't understand the specifics of its application in topic modeling. Basically, the idea is that we have the following model:
$$G_{0}\sim DP(\gamma, H)$$ $$G_{j}\sim DP(\alpha_{0}, G_{0})$$ $$\phi_{ji} \sim G_{j}$$ $$x_{ji} \sim F(\phi_{ji})$$
We sample from a Dirichlet process with a base distribution $H$ to obtain a discrete distribution $G_{0}$. Then, we use $G_{0}$ in another Dirichlet process $G_{j}$ for every $j$ (in topic modeling, $j$ is supposed to represent documents and $G_{j}$ is a distribution over topics for document $j$). After this, for each word in document $j$, sample from $G_{j}$ in order to select a particular topic. Some sources say that this is parameter associated to the topic and not properly a topic. In any case, this is acting as a latent variable. Finally, for each document $j$ and word $i$, $x_{ji}$ is described as a distribution $F$ that depends on the latent variable $\phi_{ji}$ associated in some way to the selected topic.
The question is: How do you describe explicitly $F(\phi_{ji})$? I think I have seen a multinomial distribution there, but I'm not sure about it. As a comparison, in LDA we need for each topic a distribution over words and a multinomial distribution is required. What is the equivalent procedure here and what it represents in terms of words, documents and topics?