I commented above asking if someone knows how to do a convolution in closed form. Based on @Glen_b's comment about doing it computationally, I figured I'd add an example in Python in case it is helpful.
from scipy.stats import hypergeom
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def distr_of_indep_xsum(x1, x2, p1, p2, trim=False):
# calculate probablities of sums of x1, x2 happening independently
mx = x1.max() + x2.max()
# consider values from 0 to mx so can just use index
xvals = np.arange(mx + 1)
pvals = np.zeros(mx + 1)
for xx1, pp1 in zip(x1, p1):
for xx2, pp2, in zip(x2, p2):
xsum = xx1 + xx2
# independent probabilities are multiplied
pvals[xsum] += (pp1*pp2)
if trim:
max_nonzero = np.where(pvals > 0)[0].max()
xvals = xvals[:(max_nonzero+1)]
pvals = pvals[:(max_nonzero+1)]
return xvals, pvals / pvals.sum()
def hgprobs(ndraws, nitems, nitems_same):
# note: the notation in the function differs from that in wikipedia, so I am making [![enter image description here][1]][1]it clearer
x = np.array(list(range(0, ndraws + 1))).astype(int)
p = np.array([hypergeom.pmf(xx, nitems, nitems_same, ndraws) for xx in x])
return x, p
def hypergeometric_convolution():
# two hypergeometric variables
x1, p1 = hgprobs(ndraws=3, nitems=10, nitems_same=5)
x2, p2 = hgprobs(ndraws=12, nitems=20, nitems_same=10)
xsum, psum = distr_of_indep_xsum(x1=x1, x2=x2, p1=p1, p2=p2)
plt.bar(xsum, psum)