A random variable $V$ has the distribution function:
$$ F(v) = \begin{cases} 0, & \text{for $v<0$ } \\ 1-(1-v)^A, & \text{for $0\le v\le1$ } \\ 1,& \text{for $v>1$ } \\ \end{cases} $$
where $A>0$ is an unknown parameter. Determine the density function in the three regions and present it graphically.
My Attempt :
For $0\le v\le1$, $f(v)=\frac{d}{dv}F(v)=\frac{d}{dv}[1-(1-v)^A]=-A(1-v)^{A-1}(-1)=A(1-v)^{A-1}$.
Hence the density function is:
$$ f(v) = \begin{cases} A(1-v)^{A-1}, & \text{for $0\le v\le1$ } \\ 0,& \text{otherwise } \\ \end{cases} $$
- Is this correct ?
But, I can't draw the density function. In R
i have tried this but which seems to be incorrect to me:
The above two curves are different for different values of $A$. Can $A$ change the shape of the density function thus?
If $A=3$ and $x=0.123$, then $f(v) =A(1-v)^{A-1}= 2.307387$.
But, $f(v)$ is probability which lies between $0$ and $1$. Is my density wrong?
Also the graphs are showing that $f(v)$ exceed $1$ . In the second graph, it takes value $5$ also.