
I have recently been reading a lot on this site (@Aniko, @Dikran Marsupial, @Erik) and elsewhere about the problem of overfitting occuring with cross validation - (Smialowski et al 2010 Bioinformatics, Hastie, Elements of statistical learning). The suggestion is that any supervised feature selection (using correlation with class labels) performed outside of the model performance estimation using cross validation (or other model estimating method such as bootstrapping) may result in overfitting.

This seems unintuitive to me - surely if you select a feature set and then evaluate your model using only the selected features using cross validation, then you are getting an unbiased estimate of generalized model performance on those features (this assumes the sample under study are representive of the populatation)?

With this procedure one cannot of course claim an optimal feature set but can one report the performance of the selected feature set on unseen data as valid?

I accept that selecting features based on the entire data set may resuts in some data leakage between test and train sets. But if the feature set is static after initial selection, and no other tuning is being done, surely it is valid to report the cross-validated performance metrics?

In my case I have 56 features and 259 cases and so #cases > #features. The features are derived from sensor data.

Apologies if my question seems derivative but this seems an important point to clarify.

Edit: On implementing feature selection within cross validation on the data set detailed above (thanks to the answers below), I can confirm that selecting features prior to cross-validation in this data set introduced a significant bias. This bias/overfitting was greatest when doing so for a 3-class formulation, compared to as 2-class formulation. I think the fact that I used stepwise regression for feature selection increased this overfitting; for comparison purposes, on a different but related data set I compared a sequential forward feature selection routine performed prior to cross-validation against results I had previously obtained with feature selection within CV. The results between both methods did not differ dramatically. This may mean that stepwise regression is more prone to overfitting than sequential FS or may be a quirk of this data set.

  • 11
    $\begingroup$ I don't think that is (quite) what Hastie, et al. are advocating. The general argument is that if feature selection uses the response then it better be included as part of your CV procedure. If you do predictor screening, e.g., by looking at their sample variances and excluding the predictors with small variation, that is ok as a one-shot procedure. $\endgroup$
    – cardinal
    Commented May 4, 2012 at 10:19
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ +1 however even in this case the cross-validation doesn't represent the variance in the feature selection process, which might be an issue if the feature selection is unstable. If you perform the screening first then the variability in the performance in each fold will under-represent the true variability. If you perform the screening in each fold, it will appropriately increase the variability in the performance in each fold. I'd still always perform the screening in each fold if I could afford the computational expense. $\endgroup$ Commented May 4, 2012 at 11:19
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I think the statement "ANY feature selection performed prior to model performance estimation using cross validation may result in overfitting." is a misquote or misrepresentation of what Hastie and others would suggest. If you change the word "prior' to "without" it makes more sense. Also the sentence seems to suggest that cross-validation is the only way to legitimately test the appropriateness of the variables selected. The bootstrap for example might be another legitimate approach. $\endgroup$ Commented May 4, 2012 at 12:26
  • $\begingroup$ @MichaelChernick - agreed. I have edited above to better reflect my meaning. $\endgroup$
    – BGreene
    Commented May 4, 2012 at 13:11
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Bgreene: there is a recent discussion on this issue that can be read at goo.gl/C8BUa. $\endgroup$
    – Alekk
    Commented Jul 10, 2012 at 15:50

3 Answers 3


If you perform feature selection on all of the data and then cross-validate, then the test data in each fold of the cross-validation procedure was also used to choose the features and this is what biases the performance analysis.

Consider this example. We generate some target data by flipping a coin 10 times and recording whether it comes down as heads or tails. Next, we generate 20 features by flipping the coin 10 times for each feature and write down what we get. We then perform feature selection by picking the feature that matches the target data as closely as possible and use that as our prediction. If we then cross-validate, we will get an expected error rate slightly lower than 0.5. This is because we have chosen the feature on the basis of a correlation over both the training set and the test set in every fold of the cross-validation procedure. However, the true error rate is going to be 0.5 as the target data is simply random. If you perform feature selection independently within each fold of the cross-validation, the expected value of the error rate is 0.5 (which is correct).

The key idea is that cross-validation is a way of estimating the generalization performance of a process for building a model, so you need to repeat the whole process in each fold. Otherwise, you will end up with a biased estimate, or an under-estimate of the variance of the estimate (or both).


Here is some MATLAB code that performs a Monte-Carlo simulation of this setup, with 56 features and 259 cases, to match your example, the output it gives is:

Biased estimator: erate = 0.429210 (0.397683 - 0.451737)

Unbiased estimator: erate = 0.499689 (0.397683 - 0.590734)

The biased estimator is the one where feature selection is performed prior to cross-validation, the unbiased estimator is the one where feature selection is performed independently in each fold of the cross-validation. This suggests that the bias can be quite severe in this case, depending on the nature of the learning task.

NF    = 56;
NC    = 259;
NFOLD = 10;
NMC   = 1e+4;

% perform Monte-Carlo simulation of biased estimator

erate = zeros(NMC,1);

for i=1:NMC

   y = randn(NC,1)  >= 0;
   x = randn(NC,NF) >= 0;

   % perform feature selection

   err       = mean(repmat(y,1,NF) ~= x);
   [err,idx] = min(err);

   % perform cross-validation

   partition = mod(1:NC, NFOLD)+1;
   y_xval    = zeros(size(y));

   for j=1:NFOLD

      y_xval(partition==j) = x(partition==j,idx(1));


   erate(i) = mean(y_xval ~= y);



erate = sort(erate);

fprintf(1, '  Biased estimator: erate = %f (%f - %f)\n', mean(erate), erate(ceil(0.025*end)), erate(floor(0.975*end)));

% perform Monte-Carlo simulation of unbiased estimator

erate = zeros(NMC,1);

for i=1:NMC

   y = randn(NC,1)  >= 0;
   x = randn(NC,NF) >= 0;

   % perform cross-validation

   partition = mod(1:NC, NFOLD)+1;
   y_xval    = zeros(size(y));

   for j=1:NFOLD

      % perform feature selection

      err       = mean(repmat(y(partition~=j),1,NF) ~= x(partition~=j,:));
      [err,idx] = min(err);

      y_xval(partition==j) = x(partition==j,idx(1));


   erate(i) = mean(y_xval ~= y);



erate = sort(erate);

fprintf(1, 'Unbiased estimator: erate = %f (%f - %f)\n', mean(erate), erate(ceil(0.025*end)), erate(floor(0.975*end)));
  • 7
    $\begingroup$ Thank you - this is very helpful. If you take the suggested approach how do you then evaluate your final model? As you will have multiple sets of features, how do you choose the final feature set? Historically I have also reported results based on a single cross validation with model parameters and features chosen. $\endgroup$
    – BGreene
    Commented May 4, 2012 at 13:54
  • 30
    $\begingroup$ It is best to view cross-validation as assessing the performance of a procedure for fitting a model, rather than the model itself. The best thing to do is normally to perform cross-validation as above, and then build your final model using the entire dataset using the same procedure used in each fold of the cross-validation procedure. $\endgroup$ Commented May 4, 2012 at 13:57
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ In this case are we then reporting classification results based on cross-validation (potentially many different feature sets) but yet reporting the model to contain only one of those feature sets, i.e. cross-validated classification results do not necessarily match the feature set? $\endgroup$
    – BGreene
    Commented May 4, 2012 at 14:13
  • 20
    $\begingroup$ Essentially yes, cross-validation only estimates the expected performance of a model building process, not the model itself. If the feature set varies greatly from one fold of the cross-valdidation to another, it is an indication that the feature selection is unstable and probably not very meaningful. It is often best to use regularisation (e.g. ridge regression) rather than feature selection, especially if the latter is unstable. $\endgroup$ Commented May 4, 2012 at 14:25
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ This is such an important post. Amazing how many don't apply this. $\endgroup$
    – Chris A.
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 19:31

To add a slightly different and more general description of the problem:

If you do any kind of data-driven pre-processing, e.g.

  1. parameter optimization guided by cross validation / out-of-bootstrap
  2. dimensionality reduction with techniques like PCA or PLS to produce input for the model (e.g. PLS-LDA, PCA-LDA)
  3. ...

and want to use cross validation/out-of-bootstrap(/hold out) validation to estimate the final model's performance, the data-driven pre-processing needs to be done on the surrogate training data, i.e. separately for each surrogate model.

If the data-driven pre-processing is of type 1., this leads to "double" or "nested" cross validation: the parameter estimation is done in a cross validation using only the training set of the "outer" cross validation. The ElemStatLearn have an illustration (https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/Papers/ESLII.pdf Page 222 of print 5).

You may say that the pre-processing is really part of the building of the model. only pre-processing that is done

  • independently for each case or
  • independently of the actual data set

can be taken out of the validation loop to save computations.

So the other way round: if your model is completely built by knowledge external to the particular data set (e.g. you decide beforehand by your expert knowledge that measurement channels 63 - 79 cannot possibly help to solve the problem, you can of course exclude these channels, build the model and cross-validate it. The same, if you do a PLS regression and decide by your experience that 3 latent variables are a reasonable choice (but do not play around whether 2 or 5 lv give better results) then you can go ahead with a normal out-of-bootstrap/cross validation.

  • $\begingroup$ Unfortunately the link for print 5 of ElemStatLearn book is not working. I was wondering if the illustration you were refering to is still on the same page. Please mention the caption too. $\endgroup$
    – user156469
    Commented May 31, 2017 at 10:47
  • $\begingroup$ So, if I have two sets of data, do feature selection/engineering on one of them, and CV on the other, there would be no problems? $\endgroup$
    – Milos
    Commented Feb 20, 2018 at 0:13
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Milos: no, as long as those features become fixed parameters for the models for cross-validation, that should be OK. This would be a proper hypothesis generation (= feature development on data set A) / hypothesis testing (= measuring performance of the now fixed features with data set B) setup. $\endgroup$
    – cbeleites
    Commented Feb 20, 2018 at 22:01
  • $\begingroup$ @cbeleites Yes, that is what I intended to do. Determine features on A, then fix those features and do cross-validation for the models on B. Thanks. :) $\endgroup$
    – Milos
    Commented Feb 21, 2018 at 1:49
  • $\begingroup$ @Milos: keep in mind, though, that your argumentation for the achieved performance is even better if you fully train your model on A and then use B only for testing. $\endgroup$
    – cbeleites
    Commented Feb 21, 2018 at 13:02

Let's try to make it a little bit intuitive. Consider this example: You have a binary dependent and two binary predictors. You want a model with just one predictors. Both predictors have a chance of say 95% to be equal to the dependent and a chance of 5% to disagree with the dependent.

Now, by chance on your data one predictor equals the dependent on the whole data in 97% of the time and the other one only in 93% of the time. You will pick the predictor with 97% and build your models. In each fold of the cross-validation you will have the model dependent = predictor, because it is almost always right. Therefore you will get a cross predicted performance of 97%.

Now, you could say, ok that's just bad luck. But if the predictors are constructed as above then you have chance of 75% of at least one of them having an accuracy >95% on the whole data set and that is the one you will pick. So you have a chance of 75% to overestimate the performance.

In practice, it is not at all trivial to estimate the effect. It is entirely possible that your feature selection would select the same features in each fold as if you did it on the whole data set and then there will be no bias. The effect also becomes smaller if you have much more samples but features. It might be instructive to use both ways with your data and see how the results differ.

You could also set aside an amount of data (say 20%), use both your way and the correct way to get performance estimates by cross validating on the 80% and see which performance prediction proves more accurate when you transfer your model to the 20% of the data set aside. Note that for this to work your feature selection before CV will also have to be done just on the 80% of the data. Else it won't simulate transferring your model to data outside your sample.

  • $\begingroup$ Could you elaborate more on the correct way of doing feature selection with your intuitive example? Thank you. $\endgroup$
    – uared1776
    Commented Aug 27, 2019 at 13:54

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