I understand that if we have a simple model such as:
$$Y_t=\rho Y_{t-1}+\epsilon_t$$
where $\rho$ is less than one in absolute value then we have a stationary process. If $\rho$ equals one then we have a unit-root and we can use the augmented Dickey Fuller test to test against the presence of a unit-root and thus for stationarity.
What confuses me is what if $\rho$ is equal to, say, 1.5. The data will certainly not be stationary. If I simulate a $Y_t$ in R with 120 observations and $\rho$ equal to 1.5, we get process that looks exponential. If I then run a simple OLS regression of $Y_t$ on $Y_{t-1}$ I get a correct estimate of $\rho$ and a bad estimate of the intercept:
error=rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1);
for (i in 2:n){
The plot of the ACF of the residuals looks OK as well. It seems that OLS does a good job at capturing the true model (the $\rho$ coefficient, not the intercept). This is something that I thought cannot happen with nonstationary series.
Furthermore, and this is what puzzles me the most. I always thought that to test stationarity we would just use the augmented Dickey Fuller test. But this is just a test of the null of unit root. The null is that $\rho$ equals one and the alternative is that $\rho$ is less than one, so that it is stationary. If I run it on this artificial data it cannot reject the presence of unit root. Is this enough to say that the data is not stationary? I guess my confusion is, how can we test for stationarity when we don't know if the coefficient is bigger than 1?
I suspect my question is very silly but I cannot get my head around this for the moment. Any suggestions?