I have matched case-control data and I would like to take advantage of that in my GEE analysis.
In the standard approach to GEE analysis, we call each subject a cluster and fit subject-specific intercepts (please correct me if I'm wrong, this is my current understanding) to control for subject-specific variation.
I would like to make the case-control matchings my clusters, then I can control for variation related to the matching variable(s) that my matching controls for; this seems ideal. Clustering on the matching groups should also control for time (in the same way subject-clustering does) since each subject in each matched-grouping has temporal data.
Note: The matching contains 8 cases, 51 controls. There are approximately 12 controls matched to each case.
One objection I can think of:
No, cluster number, GEE requires that $c>50$ but $c>100$ is preferable. Clustering based on case-control matchings will give $c<<50$.
Example in R
data =
time x y Disease Subject case_control_grouping
1 .2 .3 0 A 1
2 .3 .4 0 A 1
1 .5 .7 1 B 1
2 .6 .4 1 B 1
1 . . 0 C 2
2 . . 0 C 2
1 . . 1 D 2
2 . . 1 D 2
1 . . 0 E 2
2 . . 0 E 2
standard_clustering = geeglm( Disease ~ time + x + y ,data = data,
correlation = 'exchangeable',family=binomial, std.err='')
case_control_clustering = geeglm( Disease ~ time + x + y ,data = data,
correlation = 'exchangeable',family=binomial, std.err='')
Why GEE?
The data is longitudinal so we needed a model that could account for multiple subjects with longitudinal observations and replicates (marginal model?). The temporal observations, $x$, are correlated to the nonparametric noise, $\epsilon$, so we wanted a population averaging approach to keep our estimator unbiased and consistent.
Why cluster by case-control matches rather than subject?
Clustering by subject is standard practice in marginal models. The subjects within a case-control match should be more similar within the matching than across matchings
$m_1 = \{s_1,s_2...\}\\ m_2 = \{s_3,s_4...\}\\ Cov(s_1,s_2) > Cov(s_1,s3)$
Therefore, clustering by case-control matching should better satisfy the assumptions 1 and 2 of "cluster data:" 1) observations within a cluster may be correlated, 2) observations in separate clusters are independent, 3) a monotone transformation of the expectation is linearly related to the explanatory variables, 4) the variance is a function of the expectation. (Halekoh,2006,Introduction). I think this will improve the third assumption as well, because my data is not guaranteed continuous (because the observation window is larger than the period of the data).
Why not clogit
Conditional logistic regression is a common model for logistic modeling of case-control data. I was not able to find a population-averaging implementation of clogit.