Here is a simulation to demonstrate that @soakley's confidence interval works for a normally distributed random variable.
- It takes $10^4$ values of $\mu$ in $[-10,10]$ and of $\sigma$ in $[0,10]$ and
- for each of those pairs, it generates $10^6$ single observations $x$ and
- sees what proportion of the corresponding confidence intervals $[x- 9.68|x|, x+9.68|x|]$ cover $\mu$.
- It then plots this proportion against $\frac{|\mu|}{\sigma}$ as small black circles to illustrate when this proportion is about $0.95$ (the blue line) and when it is much higher.
- The red line shows the theoretical confidence for varying values of $\frac{|\mu|}{\sigma}$.
Using R:
cases <- 10^3
samplespercase <- 10^6
mu <- runif(cases)*20-10
sigma <- runif(cases)*10
withinconfint <- numeric(cases)
for (i in 1:cases){
sample <- rnorm(samplespercase, mean=mu[i], sd=sigma[i])
withinconfint[i] <- sum(sample - 9.68*abs(sample) < mu[i] &
sample + 9.68*abs(sample) > mu[i])
plot(abs(mu/sigma), withinconfint/samplespercase, log="x")
curve(pnorm(x/(1-9.68),x,1) + 1 - pnorm(x/(1+9.68),x,1),
from=10^-4, to=10^4, col="red", n=50001, log="x", add=TRUE)
Taking account of simulation noise, this suggests the claim and the corresponding expression for theoretical confidence of $\Phi\left(\frac{9.68}{(1-9.68)x}\right) + 1 - \Phi\left(\frac{-9.68}{(1+9.68)x}\right)$ are highly plausible. When $\frac{|\mu|}{\sigma} \approx 1$ the confidence is marginally above $0.95$, though at other times it is much more conservative and closer to $1$.
The chart seems to suggest the minimum confidence is when $\frac{|\mu|}{\sigma} = 1$; this is not quite correct and for $\alpha=1-0.95=0.05$ it is closer to $0.99$; for larger $\alpha < \frac12$ it would be at an even lower value of $\frac{|\mu|}{\sigma}$.
Meanwhile the $9.68$ is marginally higher than $\sqrt{\frac{2}{e\pi}} /\alpha \approx \frac{0.48394}{\alpha}$ and needs to be. For all $\alpha < \frac12$ we can use the slightly more conservative $\frac{0.5}{\alpha}$ and so a confidence interval of $\left[x-\frac1{2\alpha}|x|, x+\frac1{2\alpha}|x|\right]$ to have a probability of over $1-\alpha$ of covering the unknown mean, which in this example would have been $x\pm 10|x|$ which would have given confidence of about $0.9516$ in the tightest case.