I need to perform statistical analysis whether there is any difference in the usage of each gene version between disease groups. I have 3 groups, in each group there is a different no. of patients. For each patient I have a different no. of sequencing reads (100%), from which I identified usage of each gene version for each patient. E.g.
Disease A
Patient 1 Total: 19402, version1: 492, version2: 45, version3: 3201, version 4: 15664
Patient 2 Total: 143, version1: 34, version2: 4, version3: 15, version4: 90
Patient 3 etc
Disease B
Patient 1
Patient 2
Patient 3
Patient 4
Disease C
Patient 1
Patient 2
Patient 3
There is a big difference in the total number of reads yielded per each patient from which I am identifying gene versions. What type of analysis would you recommend I carry out? I hope my explanation makes sense. I am a complete beginner in stats and any help would be much appreciated.