I have a relatively simple problem, but yet taking some time to solve it. I am using the arimax()
function from the TSA
package. (Note: not arima()
from the stats
package.) This is the model:
out <- arimax(sub_s_t_series, order=c(2,0,1), xreg=sub_r_t_series, method=c("ML"))
and these are my coefficients:
arimax(x = sub_s_t_series, order = c(2, 0, 1), xreg = sub_r_t_series, method = c("ML"))
ar1 ar2 ma1 intercept xreg
1.4825 -0.6613 -0.8516 52745.107 -1.0132
s.e. 0.0295 0.0294 0.0064 40.828 0.0012
sigma^2 estimated as 0.08929: log likelihood = -105.98, aic = 221.97
All I am trying to do is to interpret the results. According to my understanding and the help given in the TSA package, the above ARIMAX(2,0,1) model is represented as follows:
{\rm sub\_s\_t\_series\_hat[k]} = {\rm intercept} + xreg\times {\rm sub\_r\_t\_series[k]} +
\frac{a_{t[k]}+ma1*a_{t[k-1]}}{a_{t[k]}-ar1*a_{t[k-1]}-ar2*a_{t[k-2]}} \tag{1}
where $a_t$ are the residuals. When I use e_t = fitted(out)-sub_s_t_series_hat to measure the error / residuals myself, e_t matches exactly to the values obtained by out[["residuals"]]
But when I use (1) as follows: e_t_hat = sub_s_t_series_hat - sub_s_t_series,
e_t_hat does not match with out[["residuals"]]
, in fact the results deviate by a magnitude of almost 4.
My questions is: did an ARIMAX(2,0,1) fit would result in (1) or am I missing something?
, both of which can also model covariates via anxreg
parameter, since you don't seem to use the transfer function feature thatTSA::arima()
was written to include after all. The difference is that we know thatstats::arima()
fit regressions with ARIMA errors - easy to interpret -, while we don't know what exactlyTSA::arima()
does without going into the code. Probably a "real" ARIMAX model - hard to interpret. $\endgroup$