LDA seeks to reduce dimensionality while preserving as much of the class discriminatory information as possible. Assume we have a set of $d$-dimensional observations $X$, belonging to $C$ different classes. The goal of LDA is to find an linear transformation (projection) matrix $L$ that converts the set of labelled observations $X$ into another coordinate system $Y$ such that the class separability is maximized. The dataset is transformed into the new subspace as:
Y = XL
The columns of the matrix $L$ are a subset of the $C-1$ largest (non-orthogonal) eigenvectors of the squared matrix $J$, obtained as:
J = S_{W}^{-1} S_B
where $S_W$ and $S_B$ are the scatter matrices within-class and respectively between-classes.
When it comes to dimension reduction in LDA, if some eigenvalues have a significantly bigger magnitude than others then we might be interested in keeping only those dimensions, since they contain more information about our data distribution.
This becomes particularly interesting as $S_B$ is the sum of $C$ matrices of rank $\leq 1$, and the mean vectors are constrained by $\frac{1}{C}\sum_{i=1}^C \mu_i = \mu$ \cite{c.radhakrishnarao1948}. Therefore, $S_B$ will be of rank $C-1$ or less, meaning that there are only $C-1$ eigenvalues that will be non-zero (more info here). For this reason, even if the dimensionality $k$ of the sub-space $Y$ can be arbitrarily chosen, it does not make any sense to keep more than $C-1$ dimensions, as they will not carry any useful information. In fact, in \ac{lda} the smallest $d - (C-1)$ dimensions have magnitude zero, and therefore the subspace $Y$ should have exactly $k = C-1$ dimensions.
LDA/FDA can start with n dimensions and end with k dimensions, where k < n
. Is that correct? Or The output isc-1 where c is the number of classes and the dimensionality of the data is n with n>c.