I get confused on the proper notations of meanings, as well as the meanings of some notations relating to random variables and their distributions. Below, I will list things that I think are true, as well as things that I don't understand, and I would love input/corrections. I have labeled each point/question with a number for ease of reference. If it is not appropriate to list items in a single question like this, please let me know. I thought it would be ok since they are all short.
A random variable is notated by a capital letter, e.g. $X$.
What does an operation on a random variable mean? (e.g., how do you interpret $X^2$ in words?).
A specific draw from a random variable is notated by either the lowercase letter (e.g. $x$) or the lowercase letter with a subscript (e.g. $x_1$) or an uppercase number with a number(e.g. $X_1$).
The random variable that is the $kth$ order statistic of $n$ draws from a random variable $X$ is notated as $X_{kn}$.
Is there a shorthand way to write "X is the random variable that is distributed by F(x) (or "cdf F(x)" or "B(a,b)" or any way to characterize a distribution)"?
Can I write $\mathbb{E}F(x)$ to mean the expectation of the variable distributed according to $F(x)$?
If I perform an operation on a variable X's cdf, for example, $F_{new}(x) = F_{old}(x)^2$ to get the cdf of the maximum of 2 draws from $X$, can I notate that in terms of $X$ somehow?
Is the appropriate way to write $(F(x))^2$ succinctly $F^2(x)$ or $F(x)^2$?
Is there any notational difference between a discrete and a continuous variable?