In a simple diff-in-diff model, such as:
$$Y_{it}=\beta_0+\beta_1S_{it}+\beta T_{it}+\beta_3S_{it}T_{it}+\epsilon_{it}$$
In which $S_{it}$ represents a dummy for the units that received the treatment and $T_{it}$ is a dummy for the time in which ocurred. Consider the situation in which $S_{it}$ is time-invariant. If one was to run a fixed-effects version of this model on a common software package such as Stata, in which one would add a fixed effect term in the equation above, $S_{it}$ would be dropped out due to perfect multicollinearity, I believe. If that were to happen, does the model still 'works'?
The model makes sense to me, but I wonder if there is something that I should be worrying about.
xtreg, fe
. You don't need to worry. $\endgroup$