I would like to use multiple class logistic regression to learn the decision boundaries separating the different classes (denoted by color) in the image below. Kernel logistic regression with a RBF kernel seems like a good choice, but I would like the decision boundary, when projected back to the 2-d space, to fall along the white grid lines. One way of proceeding would be to introduce a penalty term in the objective function, but I'm not sure how to proceed. Does anyone have any references for using a grid as a contraint in this kind of problem?
A perhaps different way of asking this is how can I combine, on the one hand, a prior belief of the form $\Pr(\int^\mathbf{x}\pi=.5 \mid \mathbf{x})$ about the distribution over $\mathbf{x}$ of when the cumulative probability distribution of $\pi$ takes on a particular value with, on the other hand, a likelihood $\Pr(\mathbf{x} \mid \pi)$? I