Suppose instead of maximizing likelihood I maximize some other function g. Like likelihood, this function decomposes over x's (ie, g({x1,x2})=g({x1})g({x2}), and "maximum-g" estimator is consistent. How do I compute asymptotic variance of this estimator?
Update 8/24/10: Percy Liang goes through derivation of asymptotic variance in a similar setting in An asymptotic analysis of generative, discriminative, and pseudolikelihood estimators.
Update 9/14/10: Most useful theorem seems to be from Van der Vaart's "Asymptotic Statistics"
Under some general regularity conditions, distribution of this estimator approaches normal centered around its expected value $\theta_0$ with covariance matrix
$$\frac{\ddot{g}(\theta_0)^{-1} E[\dot{g}\dot{g}^T] \ddot{g}(\theta_0)^{-1}}{n}$$
Where $\ddot{g}$ is a matrix of second derivatives, $\dot{g}$ is gradient, $n$ is number of samples