Consider the following problem:
In a logistic regression model, we believe that two continuous predictor variables $X_1$ and $X_2$ impact the probability of event. It is hypothesized that the effect of $X_2$ on event depends on the value of $X_1$. More specifically, as level of $X_1$ increases, the effect of an unit increase in $X_2$ (at some fixed reference level of $X_2$) on log event odd first increases then plateaus out.
How may we model such interaction effect? I have considered the following three approaches, but none seem satisfactory. What would you suggest? Any comments on the three approaches would be welcomed in the comment section as well!
- Include the interaction term $X_1\cdot X_2$ in the model. However, I have trouble getting meaningful interpretation of its parameter estimate.
- Discretize $X_1$ into three indicator variables, $X_{1l}$, $X_{1m}$ and $X_{1h}$. $X_{1l}$ is the indicator for $X_1$ falling into its lowest 33-rd percentile. Include $X_{1l} \cdot spline{X_2}_1$, $X_{1m} \cdot spline{X_2}_2$ and $X_{1h} \cdot spline{X_2}_3$ where $spline{X_2}_i$ is natural cubic spline effect on $X_2$ for each $i$. -- The parameter for this model seems easier to interpret, however, the decision to split into 3-tiles seem arbitrary.
- (A variation on 2) Split the modeling population into three pieces - the first one containing $X_1$ with lowest 33-tile values, second one the middle 33-tile, and the third one the highest 33-tile values. Fit a model on each of the segments using a cubic spline effect on $X_2$ together with the other predictor variables.