What would be the simplest, straightest-forwardest way to determine the following:
- Whether A,B,C is non-randomly distributed in each single group (IE: are there more A's in group 1 than random chance would predict?)
- Whether the distribution of A,B,C is different between the groups. (IE: Group 1 is has more Cs than Bs, so does Group 2 - but is the difference between the two groups significant?)
Group, A, B, C,
1, 126, 357, 348 N=382
2, 86, 196, 139 N=207
3, 63, 185, 162 N=193
And in handy R-ready format:
A <- c(126,86,63,54,47,40,32,32,29,29,27,26,20,18,14)
B <- c(357,196,185,137,95,74,45,69,64,49,54,80,62,41,56)
C <- c(348,139,162,126,82,69,35,63,40,42,40,55,44,29,35)
N <- c(382,207,193,143,100,80,45,70,70,53,55,84,67,42,57)
A,B,C are counts of presence/absence of traits within each group, so lots of As in group 1 are not . Groups are each separate non-related populations.
Example: lets say each group represents a species of lizard, while A, B, C indicate whether the lizard has spots on its head(A), Body(B), or Tail(C). For species 1 (Group 1) 382 lizards were examined, 126 had spots on their head, 357 on their body, 348 on their tail... Of 207 lizards in species 2, 86 had spotty heads, 196 spotty bodies, 139 spotty tails.
So, is spottiness non-random for members in a group? And does spottiness vary significantly between the groups?
I think this is a basic fundamental question, but while I have been bashing through countless pages of theory explaining different models looking at more complex situations, I have totally lost sight of the basics -- which I have only just recently learned.
Thanks for helping me get back on track.