I'm performing a kmeans clustering on a 22.000 documents datasets. Not knowing how many clusters I should get, I ran different k values and try to assess the validity of the clusters by determining the silhouette coefficient.
Here are the results:
10 clusters => s = 0.248
15 clusters => s = 0.278
20 clusters => s = 0.306
50 clusters => s = 0.387
200 clusters => s = 0.498
1000 clusters => s = 0.670
It seams ridiculous to me as 1000 clusters for a 22.000 dataset is way too much... and of course if I continue like that I will get s=1 for 22.000 clusters (prooving that each document is not a duplicate of any other)...
How can I evaluate my results to determine the best amount of clusters to set for the clustering ?