I am currently try to model child pedestrian casualties for each ward in England and to create a model that will predict how many casualties per area based on social and economic qualities of the area that proved significant. To do this I am using negative binomial regression however I am unsure how to read the output like what do the estimates tell us, how do I calculate predicted values using the model and should the predictions be integers.
Totally confused and new to modelling so help would be appreciated
Table of coefficients: are estimates not very small?
Estimate Std. Error
(Intercept) 1.601e-01 1.577e-01
Multiple_Deprivation_Measure_Sco -4.744e-03 9.097e-03
traffic.proxy 2.224e-04 6.015e-05
Proximity_to_Services_Domain_Sco -1.417e-01 2.564e-02
Crime_and_Disorder_Domain_Score 1.065e-02 1.884e-03
Income_Domain_Score 1.415e+00 9.385e-01
All.households 1.015e-03 3.599e-04
Population -3.238e-04 2.228e-04
Children 1.132e-03 3.767e-04
Crossing -8.300e-01 4.156e-01
Controlled 8.528e-01 4.185e-01
Uncontrolled 8.618e-01 4.150e-01
All.cars.or.vans -3.205e-04 2.071e-04
Enrolled -1.892e-04 1.195e-04
FSME 2.561e-04 3.571e-04
Number_of_Schools 1.343e-01 3.508e-02