I have two discrete distributions $\tau$ and $\rho$ with the same support $\Omega$. I'm considering a weighted mixture of these distributions described by the following function: $$ f(w) = (1-w) \cdot \tau + w \cdot \rho, ~~ \text{where} ~~ w \in [0,1] $$
I'm particulary interested in very special case of Kullback-Leibler divergence / relative entropy: $$ KL(f(w), \rho) = \sum\limits_{i \in \Omega} ((1-w) \cdot \tau_i + w \cdot \rho_i) \cdot \ln (\frac{(1-w) \cdot \tau_i + w \cdot \rho_i}{\rho_i}) $$
Generally, $KL(f(0), \rho) \geq 0$ and decreases towards $KL(f(1), \rho) = 0$ as $w$ goes from $0$ to $1$.
I would like to formally assure that this very specific case of Kullback-Leibler divergence is MONOTONICALLY decreasing, because I wonder if there's a possibility of such phenomenon that I would call "cannot escape from the valley", which is depicted below: