I have a set of physician data which I have split into 5 somewhat equal quintiles (n's range from 44-53) based on the number of "HIV_patients_diagnosed_annually". I've then created a table showing the mean number of "years_in_practice" for each of the quintiles. Quintiles 1-4 are similar (19-21 years), while quintile 5 somewhat lower (16 years). I want to test if this is statistically significant so I used a grouped t-test and found the only significance is between Q5 and Q2.
- Is the the correct test to use?
- If so, are the results interpenetrated as it is not significantly different than all of the other quintiles, just one?
The purpose of the exercise is to create a financial model to project drug sales. Since going door-to-door to generate sales is not a feasible approach, I've decided to segment the market based on number of patients diagnosed so a company would focus on the top one or two tiers first. Therefore, in my analysis I want to be able to highlight anything differences which stand out between the five segments.