I have a question regarding the code of function SGDClassifier
, from library scikit-learn
, which implements linear classification using the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm. It concerns its application for the Support Vector Machine (SVM) model - i.e. SVM is parametrized by a hinge loss function and a L2 penalty function. The SVM decision function is:
$$ d(x) = sign\left(f(x)\right) = sign\left(w^Tx\right) $$
The optimal solution $w^*$ is found by solving the following regularized problem ($[x]_+ \equiv \max[0,x]$):
$$ \min_w \left(\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\left[1-y_i\,w^Tx_i\right]_+}+\lambda\|w\|^2\right) $$
From [Bottou, 2012], page 3, I recall the SGD algorithm's main update equation for the SVM:
$$ w \leftarrow w \ - \ \eta_t \left(\lambda w - y_tx_t\mathbf{1}_{\{y_tw^Tx_t<1\}} \right) $$
However, I am having trouble finding this same equation in SGDClassifier
. The code of SGDClassifier
is based on the function _plain_sgd()
written in Cython: for an optimal learning rate (2
), a hinge loss $-$ see definition of dloss
in the code from line 108 on; dloss
for a hinge loss function (SVM) is in line 160 $-$ and a L2 penalty (2
), and ignoring class and sample weights, I have the impression the value for the update
of $w$ is computed in line 639 and is equal to -eta * dloss
$$ w \leftarrow w \ - \ \eta_ty_t\mathbf{1}_{\{y_tw^Tx_t<1\}} $$
There is a last computation in line 656:
w.add(x_data_ptr, x_ind_ptr, xnnz, update)
But I do not understand what this does.
Is there anything I have missed on _plain_sgd code? Has anybody a clue on where these differences come from? Especially given that scikit-learn
claims that they follow Bottou's approach:
The implementation of SGD is influenced by the Stochastic Gradient SVM of Léon Bottou.