Here is the quick and dirty version, based on the sum of squares method, which is numerically inferior to Welford's method, but a lot faster to implement. I make use of an (anonymous) online sum function which takes vector $x$ and computes a vector $s$ such that $s_i = \sum_{\max(1,i-b+1) \le j \le i} x_j$.
A 'real' implementation of this function would be properly vectorized (i.e. would accept multidimensional array input and optional dimension argument, in analogy to Matlab's sum or cumsum functions), would use Welford's method, would do the right thing for nans, etc.
function [mu,sg] = online_normfit(x,boxwin);
%% online_normfit: fit mean and stdev of X 'online'
% [mu,sg] = online_normfit(x,boxwin);
% takes an n vector x, and returns n vectors mu and sg
% such that
% mu(i) = mean(x(max(1,i-boxwin+1):i))
% sg(i) = std(x(max(1,i-boxwin+1):i))
% boxwin defaults to the length of x;
% nb: assumes there are no nans in x!
% nb: this code can uderflow on variance computation because it uses
% the difference of squares method, not Welford's method. c.f.
if (~exist('boxwin','var')) || isempty(boxwin)
boxwin = numel(x);
f_boxdif = @(cz,w)([cz(1:w);cz((w+1):end) - cz(1:(end-w))]);
f_boxsum = @(z,w)(f_boxdif(cumsum(z),w));
x1 = f_boxsum(x,boxwin); % sums of x
x2 = f_boxsum(x.^2,boxwin); % sums of x^2
nn = min((1:numel(x1))',boxwin); % number of observations in each sum
mu = x1 ./ nn;
% this can underflow! also the first value is inf!
vr = (x2 - nn .* (mu.^2)) ./ (nn - 1);
sg = sqrt(vr);
end %function