I want to pose a question regarding auditing the output of different regression the methodologies:
Let's say we have a hypothetical data set where we are trying to determine the relationship that several (10+) continuous explanatory variables have on one continuous response variable (aka a classic regression problem). Here's the catch, the explanatory variables display traits of both multi-colinearity and heteroskedasticity. Using a frequentist regression model that includes all the explanatory variables introduces the risk of having the coefficients be biased, inflated..., etc.
If I were looking to use a new~ish Bayesian model using MCMC instead, how could I account for factors such as heteroskedasticity and multi-colinearity? Using frequentist regression, I would typically go through the process of checking the residuals against a set of assumptions, adjusting/removing variables, rerunning the model, checking the assumptions again, and again. But when it comes do diagnosing a Bayesian model, I'm at a loss. Does anyone have any recommendations as to how to repeat this validation process but in a Bayesian/MCMC manner?
Also, when I say Bayesian, I'm learning through the work of John Kruschke and his book Doing Bayesian Data Analysis using the R programming language.
Thank you!