I'm trying to obtain the smoother matrix out of my smooth.spline
I use the bone mineral density data from http://statweb.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/.
bone <-read.table("bone.data", header=TRUE)
bmd_age <- smooth.spline(bone$age, bone$spnbmd, all.knots=TRUE, cv=TRUE)
bmd_fit <- predict(bmd_age, sort(bone$age))
df <- bmd_age$df
To obtain a column of the smoother matrix, I can replace the response vector (bone$spnbmd) by a vector with a single 1 and the rest filled with 0's. It is both what the professor recommended and what I found online https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2006-June/108471.html.
So I use
smooth.matrix = function(x){
n = length(x);
sm = matrix(0, n, n);
for(i in 1:n){
y = rep(0, n); y[i]=1;
sm_i = predict(smooth.spline(x, y, df=df),x)$y;
sm[,i]= sm_i;
sm <- smooth.matrix(bone$age)
If the smoother matrix is correct, the following two quantities should be the same (both fitted values from the smoothing spline model).
fromsm <- sm%*%(bone$spnbmd[order(bone$age)])
fromfit <- bmd_fit$y
However, they are not. I think the problem is in the definition of smooth.matrix
function, where
sm_i = predict(smooth.spline(x, y, df=df),x)$y;
is not using the same smoothing fit as in bmd_age. I've tried fixing the degree of freedom, spar, lambda, cv=FALSE, etc. but no luck so far. How to fix it?
. $\endgroup$smooth.spline
does not depend ony
. In fact, simple experiments demonstrate it produces dramatically different output when you fixx
and varyy
. Your problem is thatsmooth.spline
does too much: it selects a different $\lambda$ for each vectory
. You need to suppress that behavior by overriding the selection. See the help page for thespar
arguments. $\endgroup$