I have a list of full path of about 10,000 excel macro files. The task is to train a machine to classify which file path is Important or Not Important. The training set is labelled.
For example:
Important c:\Somefolder\ProcessA.xlsm
Not Important c:\Somefolder\backup\ProcessA.xlsm
Not Important c:\Somefolder\ProcessA_backup.xlsm
Not Important c:\Somefolder\ProcessA_20161004.xlsm
Important c:\Somefolder\ProcessB.xlsm
Important c:\Somefolder\OtherF.xlsm
Not Important c:\Somefolder\ProcessD.xlsm
Not Important c:\Somefolder\folder1\folder2\ProcessD.xlsm (all files under folder2 are not important)
I think it's kind of SVM with some similarity kernel. But I don't know how to do it.
The classifiers are all based on numeric input, like how many times this word appear, etc. But here it is not a document, second the order of the word in the file path are very important.
So what is the general idea in machine learning classifier that can handle this kind of task? To be more specific, do i need to apply the similar concept like bag of words to numericalize the string?
Or do i need to do something like hash the text of each component of the full path, so that it can become a number of a SVM to work? And than for the filename part, i need to tokenize it and then hash?