
This is the pseudo code I am using for my reinforcement learning programme.

enter image description here

and consider this is my reward and action-value matrix (these are sample matrices)

R= Reward matrix with row (1:4) as state and column as action(1:4)


Q= action-value matrix with row (1:4) as state and column as action(1:4)


where first row(1) is the starting state and last row(4) is the terminal state

if I take gamma as 0.9 and alpha as 0.1 then I can find action-value for Q(3,2) as

$Q(3,2) \leftarrow Q(3,2)+0.1 \times [R(3,2)+0.9\times \max_{0.1}Q(s',a')-Q(3,2)] \\ \\ \hspace{1.8cm} \leftarrow 6 + 0.1 \times [1+0.9\times \max_{0.1}Q(s',a')-6]$

How should I find $max_{0.1}Q(s',a')$?


1 Answer 1


There should be an "a", not an "alpha" in the subscript, like $max_{a'}{Q(s',a')}$, meaning that you are choosing the maximum value over all the actions for state $s'$. It's just the maximum entry from the corresponding row of $Q$.

  • $\begingroup$ If I understand you correct for Q(3,2) its the maximum value of 3th row, that is $max(7,6,8,0)=8$. then equation becomes $6+0.1*[1+0.9*8-6]=6,22$Am i right? $\endgroup$
    – Eka
    Commented Oct 6, 2016 at 14:23
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ That's right. The optimum strategy for this state was to pick the third action, so you adjust the expected value upwards. Note that $s'$ can be different from $s$, depending on which state your action leads you to. $\endgroup$
    – Don Reba
    Commented Oct 6, 2016 at 15:16
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Eka NB what Don said about $s'$ being different from $s$: You take the max over the row corresponding to the state you wind up in, not the state you start in. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 6, 2016 at 15:19

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