This is the pseudo code I am using for my reinforcement learning programme.
and consider this is my reward and action-value matrix (these are sample matrices)
R= Reward matrix with row (1:4) as state and column as action(1:4)
Q= action-value matrix with row (1:4) as state and column as action(1:4)
where first row(1) is the starting state and last row(4) is the terminal state
if I take gamma as 0.9 and alpha as 0.1 then I can find action-value for Q(3,2) as
$Q(3,2) \leftarrow Q(3,2)+0.1 \times [R(3,2)+0.9\times \max_{0.1}Q(s',a')-Q(3,2)] \\ \\ \hspace{1.8cm} \leftarrow 6 + 0.1 \times [1+0.9\times \max_{0.1}Q(s',a')-6]$
How should I find $max_{0.1}Q(s',a')$?