I am trying to decide what covariance structure top specify for a mixed model in R. When comparing two models with an unstructured covariance (corSymm) i can specify whether or not to allow coefficients to vary.
Here is my syntax
str(lCtr <- lmeControl(opt = "optim"))
m1 <- lme(y ~ Time, random = ~ 1 + Time | id, data=sdata, na.action = na.exclude,
correlation = corSymm(fixed = FALSE), control = lCtr)
m2 <- lme(y ~ Time, random = ~ 1 + Time | id, data=sdata, na.action = na.exclude,
correlation = corSymm(fixed = TRUE), control = lCtr)
and results
'log Lik.' 1336.108 (df=21)
'log Lik.' 1354.123 (df=6)
What confuses me is why i get more degrees of freedom when I specify that the coefficients are allowed to vary than the other way. What does it mean that the coefficients are allowed to vary?
Is there a better way to specify an unstructured covariance for the model?