I am wondering what the best way is to model an A/B test. Meaning, if I run an a/b test, I want to run a model to determine if A or B is better for each individual.
A/B would be assigned randomly (50% get A, 50% get B for example)
My thinking: Split data in training/validation/test
On training, run a model on A customers and run a separate model on B customers (response variable being conversion yes/no). I would use a logistic regression for this.
Then run both models on the validation/test data to see if A or B estimates a better chance of conversion. Whichever estimates a higher % chance is the predicted treatment (A or B).
Then I would calculate the uplift in conversion by comparing the overall conversion rate compared to the conversion rate of those that got the correct treatment (IE their actual treatment, A or B, matched their predicted treatment)
Does this sound like the right approach?