I have a time series (let's say $X_1$ to $X_n$), and I need to predict the next sample (let say $X_{n+1}, X_{n+2},\dots, X_{n+k}$) using model such as neural network, or multiple linear regression. At time n, I have all the sample from $X_1$ to $X_n$, and need to predict $X_{n+1}$; at time $n+1$, I have all the sample from $X_1$ to $X_{n+1}$, and need to predict $X_{n+2}$; and so on.
Let say I have predicted values $Y_{n+1}, Y_{n+2},\dots, Y_{n+k}$ by using a model. How can I calculate a confidence interval for those predicted values?
I would appreciate if anyone can help me in this issue. (So far I read the formula for computing confidence interval for mean of a sample, but I didn't see anything about how to calculate the confidence interval for the predicted value of a time series).