My data:
df=structure(list(A = c(33.9166666666667, 5.16666666666667, 29.9166666666667
), B = c(12.6666666666667, 3.16666666666667, 20.6666666666667
), D = c(106.416666666667, 26.1666666666667, 196.416666666667
)), .Names = c("A", "B", "D"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
People will buy two products and for each product for one or several reasons. For product 1 (reason=1,2,3) and product 2 (reason=A,B,D) and the reasons could be combinated. I obtained this table by ponderate the reasons, gives it weight and make addition finally of all matrix. My aims was to explore if there is association between resaons, so I used CA.
I used the following R code :
My interpretations of the AFC : 1- The first Axis oppose modalities 3 and 1, and the modalities D and A. 2- Customer who buy product 1 for the reason 3 tends to buy product 2 for the reason D. 3- Customer who buy product 2 for the reason 1 tends to buy product 2 for the reason A.
Now what is strange is when I execute a chisq.test(df)
, I'm failing to reject the null hypothesis (Reasons of buying 1,2,3 are independent from Reasons of buying A,B,D)
Pearson's Chi-squared test
data: df
X-squared = 7.3028, df = 4, p-value = 0.1207
While it is clear in the AFC that the reasons are not independant, why I don't have significant result of p-value on chi-square ? What is the problem in my analyses ?