Longitudinal or repeated measures studies are appropriate if subjects are observed repeatedly over time (balanced or unbalanced).
Is it important to keep subjects that have records only for one time or it is possible to discard these subjects without any changes in the analysis? What does happen if we discard these subjects?
Is there any difference between classic and Bayesian framework in this regard? Any reference is welcome.
Suppose we want to fit a linear mixed model. If we keep single observations, the intercept and slope will be changed from the case we discard them. I think this is a bad idea to keep these data, as they have nothing to add to our knowledge. They are measured once and have no value in modeling longitudinal changes. Then using them seems incorrect as they change our estimates without any sensible justification. Unfortunately, I cannot find any reference for this. It seems that this point has not been clarified in the literature. Does anybody know a reference for this problem??