I took statistics some 25 years ago, and remember that if students take a test, then the test scores actually form a bell curve.
But somebody claimed that for Pokemon IV: a random number from 0 to 15 is given to 3 properties: attack, defense, stamina, and the final concern is the percentage:
(attack + defense + stamina) / 45
For example, if attack is 12, defense is 15, and stamina is 11, then the final value of concern is
(12 + 15 + 11) / 45 = 84.4%
Somebody claimed that this distribution (of the percentage number) is actually a bell curve, is that true?
(for the distribution, what I mean is, say, if there are 100 or 1000 such Pokemons, then if you plot a graph with x-axis being the percentage 0% to 100%, and y-axis being the count of such Pokemons having this percentage, then is it a bell curve)
To extend the question a little bit:
- If the final concern is based only on one property that is a random number from 0 to 15, then it is a even distribution? (I think it would just be a horizontal line.)
- If it begins to be based on 2 or more properties, does it then begin to be a bell curve?