I have two random variables $X$ and $Y$, representing times-to-event, drawn from Weibull distributions. When $Y$ occurs, then $X$ cannot occur after that. Aside from this, we can assume independence. Importantly, we don't actually observe $Y$-events, only $X$-events.
(If it's helpful to make this more concrete: let's say $X$-events are some activity of an organism, while $Y$ events represent whether that organism has died. Obviously after a death-event, no more activity can occur. But for whatever reason, we can't directly observe deaths: we want to infer them based on [lack of] activity.)
At time $t$, I haven't observed any $X$-events. I want to calculate the probability that this is due to a $Y$-event having occurred. I believe this is the probability that both the following are true: (1) a $Y$-event occurred before the current time $t$, and (2) a $Y$-event occurred before an $X$-event could occur.
We can get (1) with the cumulative distribution function for the Weibull distribution:
$$P(Y<t) = 1-exp(-(t/\lambda_Y)^{k_Y})$$
Where $k_Y$ and $\lambda_Y$ are the parameters of $Y$'s distribution.
However, I'm having trouble with (2), which (I think) is:
$$P(Y<X|X<t, Y<t)$$
I'm struggling not only in deriving $P(X>Y)$, but also in accounting for the conditional (i.e., we are only interested in the probability that the $Y$-event happens before the $X$-event given that we only wait up to t).