I don't come from econometrics, and I have no idea about this Moulton factor. But, I can answer your last question using tools from my native field. You can adjust for both heteroskedasticity and correlated errors if you formulate an appropriate mixed-effects model. For example, consider
$$Y_{ij} = X_{ij}\beta_i + b_j + \epsilon_{ij}$$
where $j$ indexes group of observations, $i$ indexes observations within a group, $Y_{ij}$ is the response, $X_{ij}$ a vector of covariates, $\beta_i$ is the target of inference, $\epsilon_{ij}$ are independent errors, and $b_j$ is a random effect that induces correlations within groups. It seems like you want something like $\epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma^2_j)$, with the error variance depending on the group index, and $b_j \sim N(0, \sigma^2_g)$. The trick is to actually fit this model.
One way is to rephrase the heteroskedastic errors as yet more mixed effects terms, leaving behind homoskedastic errors. These can be dealt with using a mixed-modeling tool such as the R package nlme
. Let $\tau^2_j = \sigma^2_j - \min_j\{\sigma^2_j\}$ and $\min_j\{\sigma^2_j\} = \sigma^2_\delta$. The following model is equivalent to the one above:
$$Y_{ij} = X_{ij}\beta_i + b_j + c_{ij} + \delta_{ij}$$
where $Z_j$ is an identity matrix, $c_{ij}$ is normal with variance $\tau^2_j$, and $\delta_{ij}$ is iid noise with variance $\sigma^2_\delta$. You may notice that for some $j$, $c_{ij}$ has variance zero. When you go to fit the model, you will probably need to leave out that term.
Here is some R code that does this for a simple two-group example (using the REML criterion for fitting).
group = cars$speed==4 | cars$speed >=24
y1 = cars$speed[group]; n1 = length(y1)
y2 = cars$speed[!group]; n2 = length(y2)
# This next line tells me to omit c_ij for group 2.
# With equal sigma_g across groups, smallest within-group variance implies smallest error variance.
# If I were fitting more than just a mean to the data, I'd have to try
# all the groups or something unpleasant like that.
var(y1) > var(y2)
y = c(y1, y2); group = c(rep(1, n1), rep(2, n2))
# To force-feed this into nlme, I encode all the random effects as a matrix
# to be multiplied by IID normal variates. Note the zeroes for c_2j.
z1 = diag(rep(1, n1))
z1 = cbind(z1, 1)
zzero = matrix(0, ncol = n1 + 1, nrow = n2)
z = cbind(rbind(z1, zzero))
z = cbind(z, c(rep(0, n1), rep(1, n2)))
colnames(z) = c(paste0("c", 1:7), "b1", "b2")
ggplot(reshape2::melt(z)) + geom_tile(aes(y = -Var1, x = Var2, fill = value))
const = c(rep(1, n1 + n2))
mydata = data.frame(y, group, z, const)
# The pdClass="pdIdent" line gives iid normal variates that get postmultiplied
# into the columns of my matrix Z specified by the formulas in the list above it.
# The + 0 gets rid of an intercept term.
mod = nlme::lme(data = mydata,
fixed = y ~ 1,
method = "REML",
random = reStruct(list( ~c1 + c2 + c3 + c4 + c5 + c6 + c7+ 0 | const,
~b1 + b2 + 0 |const),