The R reference is just for clarity, the question is more of stats theory. I have the following codes to set up the log-likelihood scobit function:
LLscobit <- function(theta, y, X) {
beta <- theta[1:ncol(X)]
alpha <- theta[ncol(X)+1]
mu <- X %*% beta
alpha <- exp(alpha)
p <- 1/((1+exp(-mu))^alpha)
ll <- y * log(p) + (1 - y) * log(1 - p)
ll <- sum(ll)
Initially my function didn't have the alpha <- exp(alpha)
part (for those not knowing R, what it does is it transforms all values of alpha into their exponential values), then when I optim the function it gives off "NaNs produced" message.
startvalsscobit <- c(rep(0, ncol(X)), 1)
optim(par = startvalsscobit, fn = LLscobit, y = y, X = X,
control = list(fnscale = -1),
hessian = TRUE,
method = "BFGS"
> NaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs producedNaNs produced
I then figured out that it was because I had to constrain alpha to having only positive value (as defined in the scobit model). Therefore I added that part to take the exponential of alpha to make it always positive and the function worked.
However, I'm still quite skeptical about whether doing that would alter the result and make it wrong, since now the value of alpha that is used to calculate Pr(Y=1) is different? Or it doesn't matter because we only care about the maximum likelihood point, and taking log or taking exponential alters the value of P but not the maximum point? I also tried to transform alpha into absolute value with alpha <- abs(alpha)
, and it then gave different results for beta, which means one is more correct than the other?