I'm trying to report the difference between the inclusion and exclusion of a site type (i.e. restored habitat/natural habitat). I have done linear mixed effects models and have done an anova showing that for species richness there is a sig. difference between the inclusion of site type, whereas for abundance there is no sig difference.
I'm reporting the anovas with chi-squared, df, and p-value. But how do I actually report the model so you know which of the site types was better. Is it acceptable to just report the mean and CI? Or is there a more normal practice for reporting the models?
I'm trying to follow a similar style to this paper : Gray, C. L. et al. Local biodiversity is higher inside than outside terrestrial protected areas worldwide. Nat. Commun. 7:12306 doi: 10.1038/ncomms12306 (2016).
However, with my data set I am unable to calculate differences for each site to then average them out with CI.
(Note I have to use p values because I have very little data so I can't use AIC and the ajusted AIC package in R (cAIC4 for lme4 models) doesn't work with 0 variance explained by random effects which sometimes mine has because of the hierarchical structure of the model)