I recently studied two asymmetric t distribution both with a name of skewed-$t$. I am confused with their differences or are they actually the same?
The first one is introduced by Hansen (1994) with pdf:
$f(x;\nu,\zeta)=\begin{cases} \begin{array}{cc} bc\left(1+\frac{1}{\nu-2}\left(\frac{bx+a}{1-\zeta}\right)^{2}\right)^{-\frac{\nu+1}{2}} & \quad,\text{if }\: x<-\frac{a}{b}\\ bc\left(1+\frac{1}{\nu-2}\left(\frac{bx+a}{1+\zeta}\right)^{2}\right)^{-\frac{\nu+1}{2}} & \quad,\text{if }\: x\geq-\frac{a}{b} \end{array}\end{cases}$
where $a=4\zeta c\frac{\nu-2}{\nu-1}$, $b^{2}=1+3\zeta^{2}-a^{2}$, $c=\frac{\Gamma(\frac{\nu+1}{2})}{\sqrt{\pi(\nu-2)}\Gamma(\frac{\nu}{2})}$ and $\nu$ is DoF while $\zeta$ denotes the skewness.
The other one is a special case of Generalized Hyperbolic Distributions $X \thicksim GH_d(\lambda,\chi,\psi,\mu,\Sigma,\zeta)$ when $\lambda=-0.5\nu$, $\chi=\nu$, $\psi=0$
Any suggestion will be appreciated!
Hansen, B.E. (1994), Autoregressive conditional density estimation, Intern. Econ. Rev., vol. 35, no. 3, 705–730.