I have difficulties understanding the different types of prediction after running survival::clogit
in R. I do not think this is due to author's fault, but mainly due to my limited understanding of statistics.
So, I wish someone can enlighten me how the predictions were calculated.
Noted: The data (modified) and my questions are related to this post https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35329585/how-to-get-fitted-values-from-clogit-model?answertab=active#tab-top
For example to predict the linear prediction:
With these data:
sim_data <- data.frame(Used = rep(c(1,0,0,0),1250),
Open = round(runif(5000,0,50),0),
Strata = rep(1:1250,each=4))
Which I run survival::clogit
mod_sim <- clogit(Used ~ Open + strata(Strata), data = sim_data)
I would get the value for linear prediction as below:
head(predict(mod_sim, type = 'lp'))
1 2 3 4
0.037724631 0.020958128 -0.006986043 -0.051696716
5 6
0.066367406 -0.031437192
In Stata, if I run the post-estimation command and specify linear prediction I will get different values as shown below:
-.0363274, -.0530939, -.0810381, -.1257488, -.0279442, -.1257488
I can see that in Stata, the value for the first observation is calculated from -.0027944*13 (for 1st observation)
Can anyone show me how to calculate different types of prediction for example term
, risk
and expected