I am struggling with some analysis I'm doing and would appreciate some insights:
I'm measuring people's dependency on "Environmental attitude" (DV) on the number of hours of sports activities they are doing "out in nature" (IV 1) and inside a building (IV 2) [the data is from a survey N~500). When I run a linear regression with these two I get that IV1 (nature hours) has a positive significant effect on the DV, and IV2 does not.
Then I added another IV: the ratio between time the activities in the following form:
$$ \text{IV3} = \frac{\text{time outside}-\text{time inside}}{\text{time outside} + \text{time inside}} + 1 $$
so it is a variable that ranges from 0 to 2, where 0 indicates only inside activities and 2 indicates only outside activities (and 1 is an equal amount of time).
IV3 is highly correlated to IV1 and IV2.
When I run a regression with the 3 of them, the R-square gets better (more of the variance is explained) but to my surprise IV2 (hours inside, which wasn't significant before) becomes significant as well as IV3 (the ratio) while IV1 becomes not-significant.
Why do you think that is happening? How would you approach this analysis?