In machine learning training data, if a sub-category column is available, in THEORY is there any use to include the category column?
For example, now given that the Item variable is there, should I exclude the Group variable?
Price Group Item Response
12 Fruit Apple Y
4 Fruit Banana N
545 Veg Carrot N
7 Fruit Banana Y
21 Fruit Banana N
111 Veg Onion N
5 Veg Onion Y
78 Fruit Apple Y
65 Fruit Orange Y
47 Veg Carrot N
112 Veg Tomato Y
Think about this:
Apple, Banana and Orange belong to Fruit;
Carrot, Onion and Tomato belong to Vegetable.
This piece of information will be discarded if I discard the Group variable. Does this information not help prediction at all?