It's really just a convenience for loglikelihood, nothing more.
I mean the convenience of the sums vs. products: $\ln (\prod_i x_i) =\sum_i\ln x_i$, the sums are easier to deal with in many respects, such as differentialtion or integration. It's not a convenience for only exponential families, I'm trying to say.
When you deal with a random sample, the likelihoods are of the form: $\mathrm{L}=\prod_ip_i$, so the loglikelihood would break this product into the sum instead, which is easier to manipulate and analyze. It helps that all we care is the point of the maximum, the value at the maximum is not important, se we can apply any monotonous transformation such as the logarithm.
On the curvature intuition. It's basically the same thing in the end as the second derivative of loglikelihood.
This is what I meant on the curvature. If you have a function $y=f(x)$, then it's curvature would be (see (14) on Wolfram):
The second derivative of the log likelihood:
$$A=(\ln f(x))''=\frac{f''(x)}{f(x)}-\left(\frac{f'(x)}{f(x)}\right)^2$$
At the point of the maximum, the first derivative is obviously zero, so we get:
Hence, my quip that the curvature of the likelihood and the second derivative of loglikelihood are the same thing, sort of.
On the other hand, if the first derivative of likelihood is small not only at but around the point of maximum, i.e. the likelihood function is flat then we get:
$$\kappa\approx f''(x)\approx A f(x)$$
Now the flat likelihood is not a good thing for us, because it makes finding the maximum more difficult numerically, and the maximum likelihood is not that better than other points around it, i.e. the parameter estimation errors are high.
And again, we still have the curvature and second derivative relationship. So why didn't Fisher look at the curvature of the likelihood function? I think it's for the same reason of convenience. It's easier to manipulate the loglikelihood because of sums instead of the product. So, he could study the curvature of the likelihood by analyzing the second derivative of the loglikelihood. Although the equation looks very simple for the curvature $\kappa_{max}=f''(x_{max})$, in actuality you're taking a second derivative of the product, which is messier than the sum of second derivatives.
Here's a demonstration. I draw a (completely made up) likelihood function, its a) curvature and b) the 2nd derivative of its log. On the left side you see the narrow likelihood and on the right side it's wide. You see how at the point of the max likelihood a) and b) converge, as they should. More importantly though, you can study the width (or flatness) of the likelihood function by examining the 2nd derivative of its log-likelihood. As I wrote earlier the latter is technically simpler than the former to analyze.
Not surprisingly deeper 2nd derivative of loglikelihood signals flatter likelihood function around its max, which is not desired for it causes bigger parameter estimation error.
MATLAB code in case you want to reproduce the plots:
c = @(x, a) (-2*a.^2.*(a.^2-3*x.^2)./(a.^2 +
ll2d = @(x,a)(2*(x.^2-a.^2)./(a.^2+x.^2).^2);
h = 0.1;
% narrow peak
a = 1;
y = f(x,a);
%dy = diff(y)/h;
hold on
title 'Narrow Likelihood'
ylim([-2 1])
% wide peak
y = f(x,a);
%dy = diff(y)/h;
hold on
title 'Wide Likelihood'
legend('likelihood','curvature','2nd derivative LogL','location','best')
ylim([-2 1])
In the code above I plugged some arbitrary bell shaped function into the curvature equation, then calculated the second derivative of its log. I didn't re-scale anything, the values are straight from equations to show the equivalence that I mentioned earlier.
Here's the very first paper on likelihood that Fisher published while still in the university, "On an Absolute Criterion for Fitting Frequency Curves", Messenger of Mathmatics, 41: 155-160 (1912)
As I was insisting all along he doesn't mention any "deeper" connections of log probabilities to entropy and other fancy subjects, neither does he offer his information criterion yet. He simply puts the equation $\log P'=\sum_1^n\log p$ on p.54 then proceeds to talk about maximizing the probabilities. In my opinion, this shows that he was using the logarithm just as a convenient method of analyzing the joint probabilities themselves. It is especially useful in the continuous curve fitting, for which he gives an obvious formula on p.55:
$$\log P=\int_{-\infty}^\infty\log fdx$$
Good luck analyzing this likelihood (or probability $P$ as per Fisher) without the log!
One thing to note when reading the paper he was only starting with maximum likelihood estimation work, and did more work in subsequent 10 years, so even the term MLE wasn't coined yet, as far as I know.
changes the sensitivity of data. A large difference when the data is large is shrunk and small differences when the data is small becomes large. At the end, though monotonic, log is non-linear transformation. $\endgroup$