I am creating an item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation engine. I am trying to reduce the results of this paper: http://files.grouplens.org/papers/www10_sarwar.pdf.
I have a few questions and would greatly appreciate if someone would help me. In section 3.2.1 the predicted rating value is:
$$P_{u,i} = \dfrac{\sum_{\text{all similar items, N}}s_{i,N} * R_{u,N}}{\sum_{\text{all similar items, N}}(|s_{i,N}|)}.$$
Then in section 3.3 is says: For generating predictions for a user $u$ on item $i$, our algorithm first retrieves the precomputed $k$ most similar items corresponding to the target item $i$. Then it looks how many of those $k$ items were purchased by the user $u$, based on this intersection then the prediction is computed using basic item-based collaborative filtering algorithm.
My first question is:
- What value is assigned to $P_{u, i}$ if the top $k$ items to item $i$ and the values for which ratings exist for user $u$ is empty?
In section 4.1 they say for the movielens data it is split for 80% training and 20% testing. The data set was converted into a user-item matrix with 943 rows and 1682 columns.
- Do the authors split the data before converting to the user-item matrix or after?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.