In my problem I have 3 different classes, and some errors are more
dangerous than others. I would like my evaluation metrics to take into
account this information.
Misclassification cost should cover this sufficiently in my opinion.
Assuming a classification problem with 3 classes
and a cost matrix
$$C=\begin{bmatrix}0 & c_{12} & c_{13}\\ c_{21} & 0 & c_{23}\\c_{31}&c_{32}&0 \end{bmatrix}$$
with the diagonal indicating no costs for correct classification and cost $c_{12}$ entailed by predicting an instance of $y_1$ to be $y_2$ instead.
Not that the cost matrix need not by symmetric and, based on your problem description, shouldn't be.
From your model, generate the confusion matrix (I will denote it as $\hat{Y}$ for lack of other notation) for your validation set and multiply it with $C$ to get the misclassification cost of your model
MCC= \hat{Y} \times C
When evaluating different models, lower misclassification cost is of course preferred